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our last group project together; called "Code Breaker" 🤗 we worked on it for about a month and had great fun with it🥰
it was a little playable prototype, where a AI takes control of the space station and imprisons all crew members. The player has now to try his best to save everyone by hacking himself through the system of the space station and working against the AI. That's why the special thing about our little game is the game within the game😊


and that´s our robot from Code Breaker 🤖


my last semester project, which took quite a bit of time - but I like it a lot.
There´s used to be a long story behind the scene and why I chose this textures, architecture, ornaments, etc... but it would be too long to write everything down here just saying: it has to do a lot with a godess, a war and lotus.


​A semester project at the Macromedia-Akademie Hamburg with my classmates.
A little space station with a cartoony look, made in Unity. The models had to be lowpoly and the details came with the textures.


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